SlideTap Project
SlideTap is a comprehensive platform designed for managing and processing digital pathology images and metadata into research datasets. It provides tools for image preprocessing, metadata management, and project-based workflows. The platform is built using Flask for the web application, Celery for task scheduling and processing, and Node for the web client.
- Metadata Management: Allows importing, exporting, and curating of metadata.
- Image Processing: Supports various image processing steps including DICOM conversion and metadata extraction.
- Project Management: Facilitates the creation and management of projects, batches, and datasets.
Web Client
The web client provides a graphical interface enabling the user to:
- Login to the application
- Create projects and batches
- Search and curate metadata
- Process images
- Finalize projects into datasets
Web Application
The web application handles the requests from the web client:
- User authentication and authorization
- Project and batch management
- Image and metadata processing
Task Processing
Long running tasks can be handled in the background using tasks:
- Metadata import and export
- Image preprocessing and postprocessing
Dataset and Site-Specific Implementation
The platform can, and must, be adopted to the type of dataset to create and the site to extract metadata and images from:
- A schema is used to define the dataset structure
- Metadata and image importers and processors are used to injest site data into the platform
- Metadata and image exporters and processors are used to format curated data into a complete dataset
See #project-implementation and #site-implementation for further details.
Getting Started
To get started with SlideTap, follow these steps:
- Clone the Repository:
git clone cd slidetap
- Set Up Environment Variables: Create a
file with the necessary environment variables:SLIDETAP_CONFIG_FILE=config.yaml SLIDETAP_SECRET_KEY=your_secret_key SLIDETAP_DBURI=sqlite:///path/to/your/database.db SLIDETAP_STORAGE=/path/to/storage SLIDETAP_WEBAPP_URL=http://localhost:5000
- Install Dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the Application:
flask run
- Run Celery Worker:
celery -A slidetap.task.celery worker --loglevel=info
SlideTap is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more details.