SlideTap example

SlideTap includes a simple example application that can be run in Docker. This page details how to setup and run the example application. The instructions are for Ubuntu, but other distributions of Linux should also work with some modifications.

Clone the repository

Cloning the repository is easiest done with git, which can be installed with:

sudo sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git

Next, cd to a working directory and clone the repository:

git clone

All the subsequent commands should be executed in the /example folder:

cd example

Prepare example data

The example application uses test images from Cytomine collection. The python script “” downloads the images to the expected folder.


This will create the following folder structure:

ls -R storage/images/
>> ABC-1+2-A-1  ABC-1+2-A-2
>> storage/images/ABC-1+2-A-1:
>> ABC-1+2-A-1.svs
>> storage/images/ABC-1+2-A-2:
>> ABC-1+2-A-2.svs

Prepare ssl certificate

SSL certificates are needed for the Docker web server. One can use the “snakeoil” certificates in the “ssl-cert”:

First install ssl-cert:

sudo sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ssl-cert

Then create certificates:

sudo python

This will create the following folder structure:

ls ssl/
>> cert.pem  privkey.pem

Prepare configuration

To run SlideTap you need both an .env-file (parsed by Docker) and a config.yaml-file (parsed by the Python applications). You can create these with the provide Python cli-script:


This will create .env-file:

cat .env
>> SLIDETAP_STORAGE=/mnt/c/work/SlideTap/example/storage
>> SLIDETAP_CONFIG_FILE=/storage/config.yaml
>> SLIDETAP_WEB_APP_CREATOR=slidetap.apps.example.web_app:create_app()
>> SLIDETAP_TASK_APP=slidetap.apps.example.task_app:task_app
>> SLIDETAP_SSL_CERTIFICATE_FOLDER=/mnt/c/work/SlideTap/example/ssl
>> SLIDETAP_WEBAPP_URL=localhost:3000

Where the SLIDETAP_STORAGE and SLIDETAP_SSL_CERTIFICATE_FOLDER will depend on the example folder.

and config.yaml-file:

cat storage/config.yaml
>> celery:
>>   concurrency: null
>>   max_tasks_per_child: 10
>> dicomization:
>>   levels: all
>>   threads: 1
>> enforce_https: false
>> keepalive: 1800
>> log_level: DEBUG

Installing docker

See, “Install using the repository”

Try the docker installation with

sudo docker run hello-world

If dockerd is not running, start it first:

sudo dockerd

Install Docker compose

See instruction for linux on

Build with docker compose

Run docker compose build to build needed images:

sudo docker compose build

Run with docker compose

Run docker compose run to start the SlideTap container:

sudo docker compose run


Navigate to the SlideTap server url (default https://localhost:3000/). Login with test/test. Create a project using the input.json file located in SlideTap/slidetap-app/tests/test_data.